Two Weeks Prior

Paris. October 24-31, 2015.

The sequences in this project were brought about as a conscious and deliberate interpretation of moments.

All of the following photographs were taken in Paris in between October 24th & October 31st 2015, roughly two weeks prior to the November 2015 Paris attacks...

Though unaware of these impending acts of violence, I have have always felt a certain sense of foreboding looking back on these images. Though I am unsure if I believe that the future can have reverberations on the past, I do know that within these images, the people, places and artwork speak of a certain impending sense of loss...

As a result, these images might be seen as the visual diary of a traveller and accidental witness... (2016)

I've been to Paris twice since these photos were taken and though its hard to pinpoint exactly what's changed, whether it's in fact the city or me, what is certain, is that there were no police wielding semi-automatic rifles in 2016 and there certainly are now... (2023)


Appel A Temoins: Call For Witnesses

J'existe: I Exist

Puisque, alors: And so, then or As a consequence, then

Sortie: Exit

A tous nos souvenirs, a tous nos futur souvenirs: To all our memories, to all our future memories

“Things were somehow so good that they were in danger of becoming very bad because what is fully mature is very close to rotting”

― Clarice Lispector

The Hour of the Star